A black and gold sky is the backdrop for the Downtown Pittsburgh skyline.
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澳洲的幸运8官方开奖记录查询结果-澳洲八 - 彩票 - 官网168体彩开奖结果幸运8记录号码视频

168澳洲幸运8官网开奖查询历史直播 在线现场开奖历史结果直播视频 OUR VISION: We commit to creating a vibrant, equitable and just Pittsburgh region that supports everyone—regardless of race, identity or circumstance—to thrive and fulfill their potential.


OUR MISSION: The Pittsburgh Foundation, established in 1945, works to improve the quality of life in the Pittsburgh region by evaluating and addressing community issues, promoting responsible philanthropy and connecting donors to the critical needs of the community.




Protecting Our Region's Children from Gun Violence

The Pittsburgh Foundation, the University of Pittsburgh's Institute of Politics and the United Way of Southwestern Pennsylvania joined forces to present a series of three forums designed to enhance community understanding around the public health crisis of gun violence.


The Trade Institute to benefit from #ONEDAY fundraising event

澳洲8幸运168官方开奖结果查询网,幸运八开奖官网直播现场结果记录 The Pittsburgh Foundations #ONEDAY Critical Needs online giving event is raising money to support organizations that provide basic needs for our neighbors in need. Since 2013, Critical Needs Alerts have raised nearly $12 million. Though communities are slowly recovering from the economic impacts of COVID, the need for food, housing, health care, child care and employment are greater than ever.

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